Brief information about EPO webinar Thu, Feb 25, 2021
Ventilation and Virus Mitigation in Schools: Creating a Game Plan to Reduce COVID-19 Risk and Make Lasting Improvements to IAQ Confirmation.
IAQ…Indoor Air Quality
A budget of US $ 85 million was provided by the State of Washington DC (District Columbia) to renew or build up the ventilation systems (HVAC… Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) in 117 schools, universities and training institutes.
The aim of the webinar with 1600 participants was to inform, motivate and instruct the audience about the importance of the task. Various technical and organizational aspects were discussed in some presentations. When organizing, the following must be observed: planning, communication, evaluation, technical personnel, maintenance, upkeep and quality control of the systems. The technical measures include: ventilation rate (as a function of the number of people), filtration, control / regulation of the systems according to CO2, according to temperature and humidity and according to energy criteria, elimination of the pollutant components (CO2, PM 0.5, O3 and TVOC's), filter change 3 to 4 times a month, air distribution in the room or in the building, among other things.
In addition to the stationary HVAC systems, 5000 portable air cleaning devices have already been procured, which are supposed to disinfect and clean the recirculated air with UV-C and HEPA filters.
To reduce virus exposure in schools, refer to the technical guidelines of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
More information about this webinar can be found at the following link:
Prof.em.Jan Czerwinski
NanoCleanAir – Member
Fohrhölzlistrasse 14 b
CH 5443 Niederrohrdorf
Mobile: +41 78 739 6551